The Buřval Family of Daňkovice

The Buřval's of Daňkovice all descend from Jiří Buřval born 1761 in Široke Pole, Ždár nad Sázavou. These Buřval's all lived in the village of Daňkovice in the 1800's. This family is connected to the Buřval Family of Trhonice.  Jiří Buřval (1761- ) moved his family from Široke Pole to Daňkovice house number 17 in the very early 1800's.

Family Trees

A family tree starting with the progenitor or earliest known person of this family is listed below. By clicking on any family members name in that tree that individual's personal page will appear showing what we know about that individual.

List of Family Members

A listing of all members of this family is shown below. Just click on the list and then on any name to view what we know about that individual and their relationship to this family.

Notable People

A listing of notable persons who are members of this family.