This is a genealogy about John Kimble (1735-1805) (Born: Johann Nicolaus Kimmel) and his wives Maria Catherina Boober (1740-1773), (--?--) Alt (1740-1779) and Catherine (--?--) (1740-1805) immigrant progenitors of the Kimble Family of Hardy County, West Viginia. This genealogy follows John Kimble's son, John Kimble (1767-1838) of Hocking County, Ohio and some of his decendants that lived in Lawrence County, Ohio and Kanawha County, West Virginia.

A Family Tree starting with the earliest known ancestor of this family is shown below. By clicking on any family members name in that tree that individual's personal page will appear showing what we know about them.

A List of Family Members showing all members of this family is shown below. Just click on that list and then on any person's name and their personal page will appear showing what we know about that individual.

A list of genealogical Journal Reports that have been written or published about this family is shown below.    These reports present the genealogy of the family in a more readable Genealogical Journal format that contains the information found on individual person pages.   If you want to quickly learn about the whole family it is recommended you start by reading these reports.

You may also begin reading about this family by clicking on the names of Notable Persons in this family that are listed below.

Family Trees

List of Family Members

A List showing all members of this family is shown below. Just click on that list and then on any person's name and their personal page will appear showing what we know about that individual

Journal Reports

Genealogical Reports Of the Kimble Family of Hardy County, Virginia.

Notable People of Kimble Family

You may also begin reading about selected members of the family by clicking on the names of Notable Persons in this family that are listed below.