The Burval Family of Thronice

The Burval Family of Thronice all appear to descend from Václav of the Village of Trhonice in the Czech Repulic. This is a genealogy about him and his descendants who lived in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands of the Czech Republic. The earliest record of this family was found in the 1575 land books of the Town of Policka, Bohemia, which shows Václav of Trhonice to be the progenitor of this family. Since the 14th century, these families lived in the Bohemian villages of Trhonice and Sedlište and by the late 15th century migrated into Polička and its surrounding villages as well as migrating into the Moravian towns and villages of Borovnice, Jimramov, Široké Pole, Nový Jimramov, Dankovice, and Vríšt,where many of their decendents reside today.

Please note: Only persons that are deceased are posted on these web pages. For information on living members of this family contact us at the address at the bottom of this page.

Family Trees

A family tree starting with the progenitor or earliest known person of this family is listed below. By clicking on any family members name in that tree that individual's personal page will appear showing what we know about that individual.

List of Family Members

Notable People

A listing of notable persons who are members of this family.

Burval of Trhoniice Land Abstracts

  • Burval of Trhonice Land Abstracts Czech Abstracts of Burval land records in the Village of Trhonice from the Land Books (gruntovní knihy) of Polička. Abstracted by Jaroslav Dobiáš in 2014 from mircofilm copies in the Regional Archives at Litomyšl, Czech Republic

Selected Branches of the Burval Family of Trhonice

A listing of selective branches of the Buřval Family of Trhonice which contains information on that branch of the family.